Support of Marmora Pump Storage

Reference Number

I believe this will be a great project to come to Marmora.

There will be jobs available to many people through out the building of the project and once in completion. I have heard many opinions that they will only be jobs that require certain degrees and qualifications and will not be applicable to persons in or community, but even if that were so there will be a need for entry level jobs such as cleaners, security guards and so on like any large scale industrial location. Similar to Drain Bros. on Highway seven between Marmora and Havelock or many of the mines still in operation around here such as Iko, Blue Mountain and Unimin, which may I mention all three of those mines have MANY Marmora residents working at all three of these mines currently, as they are one of the very very few decent paying jobs around here that have many entry level positions. The revenue the town will receive from people shopping, buying lunch or dinner while workers are here or simply families moving here for a job within this line of business are great things to mention. Not only bringing people to our town but showing that there is a sustainable future for people knowing there is a good paying job available that can keep them close to their homes and have a long term plan for the future.

Marmora has been known for years as a "seniors town" or a "welfare town" that only attracts low income people, while I find those assumptions rude to hear how others perceive  my home they are not entirely inaccurate. I ask how can we keep up if we do not bring in more population? More Jobs? More reason to live here? Growth is inevitable, why are we fighting something that can make a big difference for Marmora? I've lived here my whole life and am glad to see that Marmora has been considered for this potential project. Listening to the same small minded group of people who only want to complain with ridiculous assumptions, the wildest being that Crowe lake will run dry.....seriously? Uneducated assumptions like this will put fear into residents and will only continue to make Marmora lose out on great growth and job opportunities again and again. It will just leave us in the same place we have always been, being seen as a sad little struggling town that only has tourists during the few months in the summer and seniors struggling with pensions to try to keep this town going because we are not attracting a reason for more people to live here and bring in more tax money through a higher overall tax base, god forbid we do something that could make this town better for everyone.

Overall, I am highly in favour of this project coming to Marmora and look forward to the growth and opportunities this can bring us!

Submitted by
Betty Scotch
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2023-06-09 - 4:26 PM
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