reference number 84597

Reference Number

On behalf of the Hastings Lennox and Addington EDA for the Green Party of Canada we would like to clarify that we are in favour of the Marmora Pumped Storage Project in principle. However, the following concerns need to be addressed before any commitment to proceed:


  • Impact on local wells of lowering, and maintaining, the water level in the Pit to the project's operating level.  
  • Impact on downstream tributaries and associated flora, fauna, funga and - Humans -  with the initial large volume of water that will need to be removed from the pit as well as the ongoing removal of water to maintain the operating level (the assumption being that groundwater will continuously flow into the pit as well as additional water from precipitation).
  • Impact on Seniors whose accommodations (Crescent Care Retirement Home) are very close to the tailings and will have to endure the noise of the construction, and possibly the noise of the project in operation, for years potentially severely compromising the quality of their remaining life.
  • Assurance that water removed from the pit, both initially and on going, is not contaminated, especially once the pit has been drained to its lowest level.
  • Again, we want to be clear that we believe this project will be good for Ontario but we would like to understand how the citizens of Marmora will benefit.  It is our understanding that for some reason that is unclear to us this operation will not be required to pay property or business taxes to the Municipality.  Once the project is in operation it is unlikely to require more than a handful of skilled technicians to operate and maintain, and in fact much of the operation will probably be done remotely.  There has been talk of tourism dollars but jobs associated with tourism often pay very this all we can expect from this massive endeavour? 

We ask that we be included in all future communications. <Email address removed>



Reg Wilson CEO Hastings Lennox and Addington EDA GPC

Richard Langley Communications

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Hastings Lennox and Addington EDA for the Green Party of Canada
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2023-06-17 - 11:03 AM
Date modified: