Detrimental impacts of this project

Reference Number

I highly disagree with this project. I see many issues related to the opening of this mine that will have detrimental impacts on the well being of Inuit:

1) The mine will be located on the George River caribou herd grounds. This population has decreased by 99% since 1993. The opening of an open pit mine directly in the territory of those caribou will have devastating impact on the herd. Inuit have been managing the George River population to allow an increase, but Thorngat metal project will defeat all those efforts and will put in peril a caribou herd that already have a precarious state.

2) The wastewater from the mine will flow through lake Mistinibi. This lake is the headwater source for the George River. Any contamination from the wasterwater could jeopardize water quality of this important waterway, that many people use as drinking water along the river. 

3) The George River is one of the most important spawning and migration pathway of Atlantic salmon in Canada. Again, contaminating the water from the George River will have negative impact on salmons.

Inuit culture and well being is intertwined with their land. This mine will have an effect on water, caribou and salmons, all very important to Inuit. Please consider this, in this time of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, before going forward with this project.

Géraldine Gouin, Vétérinaire et résidente de Kuujjuaq

Submitted by
Gouin Géraldine
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on the Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2023-12-03 - 11:04 AM
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