Concerned Nunavik resident.

Reference Number

Having spent much of my earlier years and still visit the prestine George River Valley, I am totally apposed to the Strange Lake Project. 
 The prestine waters of George River has the spawning beds for Atlantic Salmon, char,white fish, brook and lake trout. It has some of the most beautiful lands and water on earth. It is the calving grounds of the George River caribou herd. To ruin this would put a terrible scar on our planet and have a detrimental effect to the animals and Inuit that live on, get subsistence from and camp with family on and around the George River Valley. 
although rare earth is needed, at this time, there is not a safe way of mining it so I am apposed this project. 

Submitted by
Dennis Lock
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on the Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2023-12-03 - 3:57 PM
Date modified: