Comments and concerns

Reference Number

I am a physician and health researcher working in Nunavik. I am an Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University. I am very concerned that Nunavik Inuit have not been adequately and specifically consulted about this project, which will clearly impact their environment, their wildlife, their health and the well-being of Nunavik communities. Moreover, as a physician, I am concerned about the multiple negative consequences such miningcan have on health in the short, medium and long term.



Faiz Ahmad Khan, MD FRCPC MPH

Respirologist|Pneumologue, MUHC|CUSM & Inuulitsivik & Tulattavik Health Centres

Scientist|Chercheur, CORE|CRES, RI-MUHC|IR-CUSM

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Faiz Ahmad Khan, Dr
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on the Summary of the Initial Project Description
Comment Tags
Indigenous Consultation Method Wildlife / Habitat Human Health and Well-Being
Date Submitted
2023-12-04 - 11:07 PM
Date modified: