Please make Nain Airport the first wildlife friendly airport

Reference Number

Airports and the aviation industry kill a lot of animals.  USDA and Transport Canada created these policies, not humane organizations.  Airports kill a lot of wildlife, including cormorants.  

?Some Airplane manufacturers test their airplane safety by killing birds and shooting their bodies into simulators, or by forcing live birds into simulators for bird impact testing.  There are non animal alternatives.  I am shocked by the cruelty that goes on in the aircraft industry.

Please bear in mind that the laws only mandate wildlife management.  No law exists to mandate killing.  All documents on wildlife management are simply policies and guidelines.  

They recommend fumigating, gassing, drugging, and poisoning animals.  They even recommend catching and killing stray dogs!

Also, 20+ year old policies and old safety manuals promote poisoning birds and mammals (Avitrol and rodenticides are highly recommended), shooting all sorts of animals, destroying coyote dens, drowning beavers and muskrats, and all sorts of destruction.  No recent updates have been created.  I would love your organizations to create a brand new manual that only suggests humane methods, and change the laws to mandate all wildlife management must be humane.  This is a very little known animal rights issue.  

Until this all changes, I will not travel by air.  A new airport is an opportunity to create a non lethal humane airport.  This could be advertised as Canada's first cruelty free airport.  

Please preserve the trees at this location.  Please do not build on an area that has a lot of trees, and do not build on a wetland either.  Please do not harm animals with this project. Please do not use animal testing for pollution monitoring. only use non lethal ways to live with geese, beavers, and other wildlife.  Develop a Living With Coyotes program with the animal welfare organization Coyote Watch Canada. ( (


Please only use non lethal ways to manage wildlife.  There are humane, non lethal ways to deal with beavers.  Here's a great resource.


This company makes non lethal products.

Nicole Corrado

Submitted by
Nicole Corrado
Public Notice
Public notice - Public comments invited on the summary of the Initial Project Description
Comment Tags
Fish and Fish Habitat Migratory Birds Wildlife / Habitat Biodiversity
Date Submitted
2024-02-15 - 2:21 PM
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