La Plonge Solar and Battery Energy Storage System

Located on the English River First Nation's Reserve in northern Saskatchewan, the La Plonge Solar and Battery Energy Storage system project is a proposed 500 kW (AC) solar project with a 500 kW (AC) battery energy storage system. The project is connected to a rural distribution line, fed by a lower reliability transmission line from the main grid. The project is expected to reduce CO2 by an expected 250 tCO2e per year. In addition to generating renewable energy, reducing Saskatchewan's greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing dependence on coal for electricity generation, the La Plonge solar and Battery Energy Storage System project provides grid re-enforcement for the remote radial feeder.


Project components include clearing of 19,000 m2 of natural vegetation for the project footprint, perimeter fence installation, installation of solar foundations, installation of the battery energy storage system, trenching to lay cable, and site grading. Potential adverse impacts of the project include impacts to wildlife and migratory birds (e.g. caribou and migratory birds) through alteration or removal of habitat, and accidents and malfunctions from heavy equipment used during construction and operation. As part of the ongoing assessment, appropriate mitigation measures are being identified.


Natural Resources Canada, a funding authority for the solar portion of the project, has determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, with the implementation of mitigation and monitoring measures. The notice of determination can be found at the following link: La Plonge Solar Project (


Environment and Climate Change Canada must determine whether the proposed La Plonge Solar Project and addition of the Battery Energy Storage System is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Environment and Climate Change Canada is inviting comments from the public on the proposed project to help inform its determination under Section 82 of the Impact Assessment Act.


To aid in the public's review of the project, Environment and Climate Change Canada has attached the draft Screening Assessment document which includes information such as the project description, potential environmental impacts, and proposed mitigation measures.

All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website (

Please submit comments in writing by April 20th, 2024 to



Latest update

Notice of Determination:

Poplar St, La Plonge, Saskatchewan

[April 25th, 2024] Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has determined that the La Plonge Solar and Battery Energy Storage System Project (the Project) is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, with the implementation of mitigation and monitoring measures.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples.
  • Changes to the environment and the impact of these changes on the Indigenous peoples of Canada and on health, social or economic conditions resulting from project activities.
  • Comments received from the public.
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Potential project impacts identified include:

  • Impacts to Saskatchewan Boreal Caribou through habitat removal.
  • Impacts to migratory birds through habitat removal.
  • Impacts to raptors through habitat removal.

Mitigation measures considered for this determination are:

  • Removing vegetation outside of local migratory bird nesting season.
  • Conducting raptor stick nest surveys during the boreal raptor breeding season.
  • Conducting migratory bird breeding and migration surveys.
  • Conforming to standards to reduce attraction of migratory birds to lighting at the project site.
  • Monitoring for the presence of Saskatchewan Boreal Caribou at and around the project site.
  • Compensating habitat for the loss of critical caribou habitat.
  • Consulting the Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation if wetlands are encountered during project activities.

ECCC is satisfied that the carrying out of the Project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, and thus is able to provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part..


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
2 Notice of Determination - Environment and Climate Change Canada - April 25, 2024


Indigenous Leadership Fund
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Shelby Torres, Policy Analyst
200 Bd Sacré-Coeur
Gatineau, Quebec J8X 4C6
Telephone: 819-307-7382

  • Location

    • English River First Nation Reserve (Saskatchewan)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Alternative Energy
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    English River Enterprises Inc
  • Authorities

    • Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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...within 200 kilometres
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