Mosahiken Cree Nation - Road Upgrades - 2324

Mosakahiken Cree Nation (MCN) and the provincial community of Moose Lake are located about 728 km northwest of Winnipeg and 103 km east of The Pas by road. MCN is a signatory to Treaty 5 and accessible via the all-weather gravel road, Provincial HWY 384. The MCN/Moose Lake Community Roads Upgrade project encompasses roads within and adjacent to MCN land parcels Moose Lake 31A, Moose Lake 31D, and Moose Lake 31G. The main community of MCN is located on parcel 31A. Land Parcel 31D is located on the shores of Traders Lake, approximately 3.5 kilometers west of the main community at 31A. Land Parcel 31G is located on the northwest shores of Moose Lake, called Crossing Bay and is approximately 16 kilometers north of the main community at 31A. The objective of the project is to complete the planning, design, and rehabilitation of Moose Lake/MCN roadways, ditching, and drainage. The roads within the project limit will be designed to two different roadtop widths; 10.0 m wide roadtop for main roads, and 7.0 m wide roadtop for collector roads. Moose Lake (provincial) roads consist of 2.17 km of main roads and 3.11 km of collector roads. MCN (federal) roads consist of 2.10 km of main roads and 10.39 km of collector roads. The site plan showing the project location and provincial and federal asset division by road type is provided as Attachment 1.

Each roadway section will be evaluated and determined if it requires reconstruction (i.e., no salvage value) or can be repaired (i.e., salvageable embankments). The road system will be separated into two main categories: main roads and collector roads. Main roads will have a roadtop width of 10 m and collector roads will be 7 m, both having side slopes of 3:1, and a ditch bottom width of at least 1 m. All roads will be constructed using traffic gravel.

Minimal tree and brush clearing may be required along existing road right-of-ways (ROW) and within ditches. Positive drainage and adequately sized ditch and through road culverts will be installed so the strength of the road embankment isn't weakened by water and will extend the lifespan of the road.

As noted, the federal roads are funded completely by ISC (100%) with the provincial roads fully funded by MTI (100%).

The Manitoba CDC tracks 101 avian species of concern that may occur within the Mid Boreal Lowlands Ecoregion, of which, 14 species are listed as Threatened or Endangered under SARA and/or ESEA. A search of the CDC records identified six species of concern with previous occurrences in the vicinity of the project area, only two of which are listed as Threatened under SARA and ESEA (Attachment 2). - Common nighthawk: (ESEA-Threatened; SARA-Threatened); while not recorded within the three MCN work areas or within 2 km of the sites it has been recorded within 10 km of all three areas. Common nighthawk nests in both rural and urban habitats, including logged forest, recently burned forest, woodland clearings, prairies, plains, grasslands, and open forests. It is a long-distance migrant that is one of the last migrants to return to Manitoba in the spring. - Canada warbler (ESEA-Threatened; SARA-Threatened; COSEWIC-Special Concern); was recorded within MCN 31G and the 2 km and 10 km surrounding areas, however, it was not recorded within or surrounding the other two sites. Canada warbler breeds in mixed conifer and deciduous forest with a shrubby and mossy understory often near water. They frequent aspen and poplar forests in Canada, and forested wetlands in the central part of their range.

In addition to the species of concern a gull colony was recorded within 10 km of all three MCN work areas and a tern colony was recorded within 10 km of MCN 31G.

While not recorded by the Manitoba CDC a Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure Biologist found a sighting of trumpeter swan (ESEAEndangered; SARA-Not Listed) on South Moose Lake adjacent MCN 31A listed on iNaturalist ( Breeding habitat for trumpeter swan in Manitoba consists of isolated ponds and cattail marshes in boreal forest areas. Nests are often found on muskrat mounds, old beaver lodges, or tussocks of vegetation away from solid ground.

The project study area is located within the "The Pas/Flin Flon" Region (Region 8) of the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas (MBBA), where it intersects with four squares (14ME06, 14ME16, 14ME05, and 14ME15). A total of 100 unique species were identified in the point counts for these squares (Attachment 3). Of those species, only common nighthawk and Canada warbler are species at risk as already noted. Of the 100 unique species, 82 are listed as migratory birds. Some stick nesting species identified include Bald eagle, Osprey, as well as several hawks (Red-tailed and Sharp-shinned).

Conversations with community members indicate that they hunt geese and ducks.


Latest update

April 28, 2024 – The public comment period on the project is closed. The Indigenous Services Canada is considering comments received to help inform its determination on whether the carrying out of the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
1 Notice of Intent to Make a Determination - Start of Public Comment Period - March 28, 2024


Environment Management and Planning
Ayonniyi Dehinbo, Senior Environmental Specialist
365 Hargrave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3A3
Telephone: 431-334-6471

  • Location

    • Mosahiken (Manitoba)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Highways and Roads
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Mosahiken Cree Nation
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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