From Ontario Power Generation to the Canadian Environmental Assesment Agency re: List of References requested by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency on January 16, 2017.

E-mail Cover Letter dated January 18, 2017 [PDF - 40.70 KB]

  1. Kremer, E. and N. Garisto. 2011. Dose considerations for a site boundary for surface operations at a deep geological repository.Presented at Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration Conference, Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 728.00 KB]
  2. MVCA. 2013. Maitland Valley Watershed Report Card 2013. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. [PDF - 916.00 KB]
  3. NWMO. 2010. Moving Forward Together:Process for Selecting a Site for Canada's Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel. Nuclear Waste Management Organization. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 2.64 MB]
  4. NWMO. 2011. OPG's Deep Geologic Repository for Low & Intermediate Level Waste, Radon Assessment. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report NWMO DGR-TR-2011-34 R000. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 2.46 MB]
  5. NWMO. 2013. Postclosure Safety Assessment of a Used Fuel Repository in Sedimentary Rock, Pre-project Report. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report NWMO TR-2013-07. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 779.00 KB]
  6. NWMO. 2014a. Phase 1 Geoscientific Desktop Preliminary Assessment of Potential Suitability for Siting a Deep Geological Repository for Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel. Municipalities of Arran-Elderslie, Brockton and South Bruce, Township of Huron-Kinloss and Town of Saugeen Shores, Ontario. Prepared by Geofirma Engineering Ltd. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report APM-REP-06144-0108. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 1.31 MB]
  7. NWMO. 2014b. Phase 1 Desktop Assessment, Environment Report. Communities of Huron-Kinloss, Brockton and South Bruce, Ontario. Prepared by Golder Associates Ltd. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report APM-REP-06144-0107. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 17.30 MB]
  8. NWMO. 2015a. Phase 1 Geoscientific Desktop Preliminary Assessment of Potential Suitability for Siting a Deep Geological Repository for Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel. Municipality of Central Huron, Ontario. Prepared by Geofirma Engineering Ltd. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report APM-REP-06144-0126. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 1.10 MB]
  9. NWMO. 2015b. Phase 1 Desktop Assessment, Environment Report. Municipality of Central Huron, Ontario. Prepared by Golder Associates Ltd. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report APM-REP-06144-0125. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 3.46 MB]
  10. NWMO. 2016b. Deep Geological Repository Conceptual Design Report Crystalline / Sedimentary Rock Environment. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Report APM-REP-00440-0015 R001. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 16.48 MB]
  11. NWMO. 2016c. Preliminary Hazard Identification for the Mark II Conceptual Design. Prepared by Saanio & Riekkola Oy and Empresarios Agrupados Internacional S.A. NWMO-TR-2016-02. Toronto, Canada. [PDF - 11.60 MB]
  12. OH. 1994. The Disposal of Canada's Nuclear Fuel Waste: Preclosure Assessment of a Conceptual System. Ontario Hydro report N-03784-940010 (UFMED). Toronto, Canada.  [PDF - 7.02 MB]
  13. OIC. 2007. Order in Council, PC 2007-0834, Selection of an Approach for the Long-Term Management of Nuclear Fuel Waste. Government of Canada. [PDF - 75.80 KB]
  14. SVCA. 2013. Saugeen Conservation 2007-2011 Watershed Report Cards Executive Summary. Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority. [PDF - 3.19 MB]

Adaptive Phased Management (APM) Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) Preliminary Description (Submitted December 28th, 2016) [PDF - 1.20 MB]

Document reference number: 2950

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