Sandy Bay First Nation New Water Treatment Plant

Sandy Bay First Nation New Water Treatment Plant

Project Summary: Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation (SBOFN) Reserve No. 283 is located on the south basin of Lake Manitoba in the Westlake Region of Manitoba, 120 km northwest of Winnipeg and 60 km northwest of Portage la Prairie. The reserve is accessed by an all-weather provincial road grid system via PTH 50. SBOFN has a total registered population of 6,781 people. The estimated on reserve population including both registered and unregistered persons is 4,909. The reserve contains 601 residences and 30 FN owned buildings and facilities. The existing treatment system does not comply with applicable guidelines including the ISC, Health Canada, or Manitoba Provincial requirements for surface water treatment. Furthermore, the system requires additional storage capacity to meet future community demands, provide for the fire protection needs, and meet the disinfection requirements for a surface water source. The proposed project includes construction of a new Water Treatment Plant (WTP), installation of a new raw water intake pipe and screen into Lake Manitoba, zebra mussel control system for the raw water intake system, new raw water intake pumphouse and intake line to the WTP, one new remote truckfill, one retrofitted truckfill, new water supply line rom the WTP to the school, and connections to the existing distribution and sewer system for the community. The existing WTP, school pumphouse, and westend pumphouse will be decommissioned. The new truckfill is proposed to be located at the corner of South Boundary road and South Ridge road complete with a reservoir to provide convenience for trucked delivery and reduce traffic in the core area. Whereas the retrofitted truckfill is proposed to be located at the soon to be decommissioned existing WTP, intended to service to the homes in the northern portion of the reserve. Infrastructure: The new WTP will require a new building within the community adjacent the arena, community centre, and school. A new raw water intake and screen into Lake Manitoba will be required. The new raw water supply line will be routed alongside an existing road to the new WTP. It is proposed that the new intake line be placed in the vicinity of the existing intake which is proposed to be capped (to be confirmed at detailed design) and will include a zebra mussel chemical control system and copper fish screen (DFO compliant). Power will be provided through the existing electrical lines with new electrical service provided at the WTP via existing 3-phase service available by the Arena located adjacent to the project site. The existing distribution lines within the community will be incorporated in the project with new connections including: connection of the WTP distribution line to existing, connection to the school and connection to the new truckfill. A connection and line to the existing sewage lagoon via a manhole will be added to discharge of WTP process wastewater. A new truckfill station complete with a reservoir is also proposed.

Activities: Planning: SBOFN has conducted a feasibility study and design is currently underway. The
planning team includes community representation. Site Preparation: Existing infrastructure (current
WTP, school pumphouse, westend pumphouse) will be decommissioned and equipment removed from these buildings. The building structures will likely stay in their current location(s) for repurposing or be demolished, as agreed upon with the Nation. The new WTP will be installed in a currently undeveloped plot of land, adjacent to the arena, located on the south side of Main Road within the community of Sandy Bay. The site will be leveled through cut and fill. Gravel and/or another fill will be purchased and delivered to site from an off-reserve source. Excavated material will be utilized to the extent possible. Based on the Geotechnical Investigations conducted in March/April 2019, the need for blasting is not anticipated as the testholes did not indicate bedrock presence. If required, it will be conducted by a licenced contractor and utilize blast mats to mitigate flyrock. Construction – The contract for construction will be tendered and a successful bidder will be chosen by SBOFN and the planning team. Construction will occur in over a one-year period anticipated to start in Fall 2019. A Health and Safety Plan will be developed to ensure that the active site does not become a hazard considering its central location within the community. Operation – SBOFN will be responsible for the operation of the WTP after commissioning is completed. The WTP is being designed to accommodate a projected population of 8,001 people over the next 20 years. Decommissioning - Decommissioning is only planned for the current WTP, school pumphouse, westend pumphouse. The new WTP is expected to be in operation for at least 20 years.


Latest update

December 18, 2020 – Indigenous Services Canada issued its notice of determination and determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
2 Notice of Determination for the Sandy Bay First Nation New Water Treatment Plant - November 18, 2020


Indigenous Services Canada
Dan Benoit, Sr Environmental Specialist
365 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3A3
Telephone: 204-599-8579
Fax: 204-983-2936

  • Location

    • Sandy Bay First Nation (Manitoba)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Water Management
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Sandy Bay First NAtion
  • Authorities

    • Indigenous Services Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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