Raven Underground Coal Mine Project

Projects that were undergoing a comprehensive study at the time the provisions of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 came into force will continue to follow the requirements of the former Act. Under the former Act, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency is responsible for conducting the comprehensive study of this project.

Compliance Coal Corporation doing business as the Comox Joint Venture is proposing the development of an underground coal mine near Buckley Bay on eastern Vancouver Island. The proposed development would be located within the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) approximately 20 kilometres (km) south of the City of Courtenay and approximately 80 km north of Port Alberni.  The mine would produce approximately 30 million tonnes (Mt) of coal and rock (raw coal) over a 16 year period. The current mine plan calls for the development of the following components:  portal and underground mine; coal processing plant; run-of-mine (ROM) coal, processed coal and clean coal stockpiles; topsoil and till stockpiles; engineered combined coarse and fine rejects stack dump; water management sediment pond; offices; maintenance building; power supply and distribution system (including a transmission line); and the transport of coal via truck from the mine site to Port Alberni.  At the Port Alberni Port Facility, the development would involve construction and upgrading of coal storage and loading facilities. The total proposed mine site surface footprint is expected to be approximately 200 hectares (ha); the total proposed surface footprint of development at the Port Facility is expected to be approximately 2 ha.

Latest update

May 19, 2016 - The assessment process has been terminated.



Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H3
Telephone: 613-957-0700 or 1-866-582-1884
Fax: 613-957-0862
Email: information@iaac-aeic.gc.ca

  • Location

    • Buckley Bay (British Columbia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Mines and Minerals
  • Assessment Status

  • Proponent

    Compliance Coal Corporation
  • Authorities

    • Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
    • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    • Port Alberni Port Authority
  • Assessment Type

    Comprehensive study under CEAA 1992
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.

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