Kapasiwin Bungalows Installation of Deep Water and Sewer Infrastructure

Kapasiwin LP has permission to operate under a year-round commercial lease, including year-round connection to the Waskesiu townsite's existing water distribution and wastewater collection infrastructure. The plan is to install a deep water main and sewage force main via horizontal directional drilling (HDD). Main lines will be installed via HDD through the approximate center of the existing Kapasiwin resort footprint, with individual cabin connections installed via trenching as the construction of new cabins is completed as per the phased plan for the Kapasiwin Bungalows resort site development (CanNorth 2017; eight new cabins will have trenched in connections to the main lines during Phase I of the development). The remaining length of HDD will be installed from the proposed new lift station location at the southeast corner of the existing resort footprint, travel below ground for approximately 1 km, and exit to connect to existing water and sewage facilities within the Waskesiu townsite. Approximately three to six bell holes may be excavated along the ~1 km HDD route, which follows the Old Waskesiu Drive. A 150 mm diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe will be installed for the deep water main and a 50 mm diameter HDPE pipe will be installed for the sewage force main. Trenching and the primary HDD entry and exit locations are located in previously disturbed areas (i.e., the existing Kapasiwin resort footprint and within the Waskesiu townsite) and are expected to create minimal additional disturbance as a result of construction. Minimal brush clearing for equipment access and excavation of additional bell holes may be required along the HDD route between the primary entry and exit locations to accommodate the maximum drill length, bends along the proposed route, and available lengths of HDPE pipe.

The following activities will be conducted as part of the project: Site Preparation/Clearing – Prior to HDD and trenching, as required trees and other vegetation will be removed along the path of the planned route as well as from the vicinity of bell holes required for HDD entry and exit locations and any additional tie-ins necessary along the route. Additional clearing or brush cutting may be required for equipment access along the proposed HDD route; however, the width of clearing will be minimized to the amount necessary for construction. Additionally, the proposed HDD route parallels the Old Waskesiu Drive, reducing the need for vegetation clearing in this area. Excavation – All buried utilities will be located prior to trenching, bell hole excavation, and HDD. Topsoil will be removed from bell holes and trenches prior to excavation and stockpiled for reclamation. Excavated materials will be stockpiled a sufficient distance from the excavation so as not to impair the movement of installation equipment. All excavations will be backfilled using stockpiled materials. Machinery Use – Various types of equipment may be required for the project, including a trencher to complete final connections to cabins, a tracked excavator/track hoe to excavate entry/exit bell holes, a drilling rig to complete the HDD, a hydrovac to expose existing utilities at crossings and tie-in locations, and support vehicles. Transport of Materials/Equipment – The proponent/contractor will be responsible for acquiring all necessary permits/approvals required to transport materials and equipment to and from the project site. Equipment, scrap materials, and stockpiled materials will be removed from the construction area when they are no longer required. Waste Disposal - Waste materials will be removed from the site for salvage, reuse, recycling, or disposal at an approved landfill facility outside of PANP. Maintenance – Water and septic facilities will be maintained in accordance with operating specifications. Use – Water and septic facilities will be operated in accordance with operating specifications.

Latest update

January 09, 2020 - The assessment decision statement has been issued to the proponent.



Prince Albert National Park
Box 100
Waskesiu Lake, Saskatchewan S0J 2Y0
Telephone: 306-663-4522 or 1-888-773-8883
Email: npfuimpactassessment@pc.gc.ca

  • Location

    • Prince Albert National Park (Saskatchewan)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Building and Property Development
    • Water Management
    • Recreation and Tourism
    • Waste Management
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Kapasiwin Bungalows
  • Authorities

    • Parks Canada Agency
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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