Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure - Culvert Replacement Columbia Valley Road

The scope of this project is to remove and replace a severely damaged corrugated steel pipe culvert. This culvert carries Hatchery Creek underneath Columbia Valley Highway and into Sweltzer Creek. To ensure the project is meeting current environmental standards, including for fish passage and climate change resilience, the proposed culvert is a 2.7metre tall by 1.8metre wide concrete box culvert, with a weir-pool fish passage design which will be installed in sections.

To limit the risk of environmental impacts during construction, the proposed alignment is directly adjacent to the existing stream and culvert location. This approach allows for a significant portion of the work to take place outside of the wetted perimeter, limiting disruption to the existing stream channel during construction. The stream will continue to flow through the original culvert until the new culvert is in place. Upon completion, Hatchery Creek will be re-aligned at the inlet side of the culvert and the original culvert will be removed with a portion on the inlet and outlet sides transformed into a habitat area for salmonids and pacific giant salamander. 


Construction of the new culvert will include removal of the existing road and base fill using an excavator. The box culvert will be placed in the excavated area using a crane. Tie in of the existing channel into the new stream will be done under the supervision of a qualified environmental professional, following fish salvage activities.


Latest update

October 8, 2022 – The public comment period on the project and its potential for causing adverse effects is closed. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is considering comments received to inform its determination on whether the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.



Fisheries and Oceans Canada Real Property, Safety & Security Pacific Region
Jacqueline Cheung, Environmental Program Officer
9860 West Saanich Road
Sidney, British Columbia V8L 4B2
Telephone: 250-661-1194

  • Location

    • The Cultus Lake Laboratory (British Columbia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Other, not otherwise specified
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Authorities

    • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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