Improvements to Beach Access - Ingonish Beach Day Use Area

Ingonish Beach Day Use Area has a long sandy beach that attracts many visitors annually, especially during the hot summer months.
In recent years, sand has not been returning in the same amounts as it did historically. Of that which does return, arrival is usually delayed, sometimes well into the summer season. And, depending on the year, is more or less restricted at or near the intertidal zone.
This situation has created a variety of challenges for those using the beach. Safe access for example has been flagged as issue. Reduced amounts of sand has correspondingly led to ever-increasing volumes of rock. This is concerning because, upon leaving their vehicles, many beach visitors cross over these rock-based corridors in order to access the lower sandy shorelines. In so doing, putting themselves at risk while on these unstable surfaces.
To address the situation, a proposal has been received that calls for the general removal of built up rock at or near the lifeguard stand. Beginning slightly above the mean high-tide mark (i.e., debris line), a piece of heavy equipment will displace rock off to the sides for an area measuring 10m wide by approximately 100m long. Once complete, sand is expected to infill excavated areas and thus lead to safer access and conditions more conducive for beach visitor enjoyment.
A basic impact analysis is deemed the appropriate assessment pathway to help determine the level and extent of visitor and environmental-related concerns, many of which are unknown as this time.

Latest update

May 26, 2021 - The assessment process has been terminated.



Cape Breton Highlands National Park
7495 Main Street
Louisbourg, Nova Scotia B1C 1H6
Telephone: 902-224-2306
Fax: 902-285-2866

  • Location

    • Cape Breton Highlands National Park (Nova Scotia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Recreation and Tourism
  • Assessment Status

  • Proponent

    Parks Canada
  • Authorities

    • Parks Canada Agency
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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