Demolition of G3 infrastructure and construction of the new Grain Terminal at the Port of Trois-Rivieres

The Port of Trois-Rivières is an important asset in Quebec and Eastern Canada. It is managed by the Trois-Rivières Port Authority in accordance with the governance guidelines of the Canada Marine Act. Its management is based on improving trade and regional and national development.

G3 Canada Ltd acts as a link between Canadian grain producers and international buyers. G3 Canada Ltd mandate is to develop a more efficient logistics network to promote the competitiveness of Canadian grain on world markets.

G3 Canada Ltd Trois-Rivières current grain terminal can receive railcars and truckloads of grain directly from producers and store it in silos with a total capacity of 80,000 metric tons. Subsequently, G3 Canada Ltd will load ships to transport the grain to another continent. With human nutrition moving more and more towards plant rather than animal protein, global demand is increasing considerably.

The project consists in 2 main phases: first, the demolition of the existing infrastructure (silos) and then, the construction in parallel of a new grain Terminal on berth 16.


G3 Canada Ltd is undertaking a Demolition Project of its current grain terminal infrastructure. An Environmental Effects Assessment, below ‘EEA', is underway on this project in accordance with section 82 of the Impact Assessment Act (IAA, 2019). The project is not designated by regulation but is located on federal land and could potentially cause environmental effects. The purpose of this EEA is to identify and document potential environmental effects, and the necessary mitigation measures.

The actual infrastructure of G3 dates from 1936. These infrastructure would require expensive improvements to continue operating in respect of environmental requirements. Additionally in 2025, the project of filling of the basin formed by the existing berths 14, 15 and 16 may generate significant ground settlement, varying from 600 mm near berth 16 to 45 mm under the silo building. Consequently, considering that these infrastructures were built nearly 100 years ago, their longevity would be at risk unless major investments are made. For these reasons, G3 plans to demolish its existing infrastructure located in the dock 16 and 17 sector in order to construct a new terminal.

The demolition will be carried out in compliance with environmental and health and safety regulations of both for on-site workers and residents. The principles of sustainable development will be emphasized, aiming to reuse as much material as possible, otherwise repurposing or recycling it. As a last resort, we will send the material to landfills. The concrete from the buildings will be separated from its reinforcing steel and crushed for reuse, while the steel will be sent for metal recycling. All cabling and the contents of our electrical rooms will also be recycled by separating the various metals beforehand. The equipment, motors and speed reducers range in age from 40 years for the most recent to almost 100 years for the oldest. They will therefore be sent for metal recycling and replaced in a future project by more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly equipment.

The demolition will be carried out in the following stages:

  • Survey and laboratory analysis of any hazardous materials in buildings and equipment.
  • Disconnection of Hydro Québec and Xittel for Internet.
  • Dismantling and removal of existing equipments.
  • Demolition of office buildings, Trackmobile garage and electrical room near berth 16.
  • Demolition of 3 shipping towers and 3 conveyors galleries.
  • Demolition of office buildings near the silos.
  • Removing the current truck scale.
  • Demolition of 2 sets of concrete silos using excavators equipped with hydraulic clamps.
  • Reuse, revalue or recycle demolition materials.

Moreover, this demolition will ensure the safety of the site following the filling of the basin, as it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict the effects of ground settlement under the concrete silos. A demolition prior to filling the basin guarantees a safe construction site for workers, as well as better predictability and control of environmental effects.

Timeline: 1 year, from January 2025 to December 2025.


G3 Canada Ltd. intends to build a new grain handling terminal at Dock 16 of the Port of Trois-Rivières. This future terminal would be located at the actual G3 location at the Port of Trois-Rivières. It will be designed and built according to the principles of sustainable development. Particular attention will be paid to health, safety and respect for the environment, as much for Port workers as for residences of the downtown. The design will benefit from the knowledge gained during the engineering, construction, and commissioning of G3's terminal located in Hamilton, Ontario, as the two terminals will have many similarities.

Engineering firms specializing in each of these fields will be involved in the terminal modeling. Collaborative work between different engineering firms, G3 Hamilton employees, Port of Trois-Rivières employees and G3 Trois-Rivières staff will be prioritized in order to achieve an efficient grain terminal in terms of productivity, environmental protection, neighborhood well-being, and profitability.

Regarding the equipment, the selection will be based on reliability, ease of obtaining parts, available labor for repairs, durability over time, and compliance with environmental standards. Components from well-established and recognized suppliers in the industry will be preferred.

Design and construction will follow the following stages:

  • Piling for equipment towers foundations.
  • Excavation on berth 16 (land environment) of tunnels for conveyors, grain reception hoppers and bottom of elevators.
  • Installation of silos, equipment towers and conveyors.
  • Installation of motor control rooms and electrical substation.
  • Installation of electrical transformers and connection to the Hydro-Québec network.
  • Wiring, electrical connections and equipment instrumentation.
  • Installation of sampler and truck scales.
  • Delivery and installation of operations, administration and maintenance buildings.
  • Ground paving.
  • Structural and operational inspection by Transport Canada.
  • Commissioning of equipment and operations.

Timeline: 20 months, from January 2025 to October 2026

Regarding the main issues of the project, which consists of two key phases—the demolition of existing infrastructure (silos) and the construction of a new grain terminal at benth 16 of the Port, it is important to note that:

  • The project is being carried out on already developed federal lands within the Port.
  • It does not involve any deterioration, destruction, or disturbance of the aquatic environment, meaning no destruction or disruption of fish habitat under the Fisheries Act is anticipated.
  • It does not affect any vegetated areas, terrestrial or aquatic wetlands, so no destruction or disturbance of floristic environments is expected.
  • It does not foresee the deterioration, destruction, or disturbance of a species at risk or its habitat under the Species at Risk Act.
  • It involves similar maritime, road, and rail traffic, and consequently, no significant increase is expected.


Latest update

The assessment is in progress.



Trois-Rivieres Port Authority
Claudie Gagnon, Director, Sustainable Development
1545, Street du Fleuve
Trois-Rivières, Quebec G9A 6K4
Telephone: 819-378-2884 ext. 209
Fax: 819-378-2487

  • Location

    • Pier 16 (Quebec)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Ports and Harbours
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    G3 Canada Lted
  • Authorities

    • Trois-Rivières Port Authority
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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