Storage Tank Decommissioning and Relocation at Multiple Locations - 3rd Canadian Division Support Base, Southern Alberta

The Department of National Defence (DND) has proposed a project which involves the decommissioning of two existing aboveground storage tanks at the Currie Building and Patterson Armoury, in addition to one waste oil storage tank at Vimy Armoury in Lethbridge, Alberta (on the south side of the maintenance building). The storage tanks at the Currie Building will be replaced with the existing storage tanks at Cormack Armoury in Red Deer Alberta, which will be moved over and commissioned on a newly built secondary containment berm.

At Vimy Armoury, the two existing storage tanks on the north side of the maintenance building will be moved to the south side of the building where the storage tank currently scheduled for decommissioning is located, and will be placed on a newly built secondary containment berm. The existing piping that is connecting the waste oil pumping system to the waste oil storage tank will be upgraded to an oil-compatible double walled flexible piping.

All existing secondary containment units at the Currie Building, Patterson Armoury, Vimy Armoury, and Cormack Armoury will be demolished and removed for disposal as they are at the end of their functional life and where applicable will be replaced by new concrete systems that will include a sump for debris and hydrocarbon collection, and hydrocarbon filters.


Latest update

December  14, 2021— The Department of National Defence issued its Notice of Determination and determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.




Garry Kane
Department of National Defence
Garry Kane, Environment Officer
Waters Building
4225 Crowchild Trail SW
Calgary, Alberta T3E 1T8

  • Location

    • Cormack Armoury - Red Deer (Alberta)
    • Currie Building - Calgary (Alberta)
    • Patterson Armoury - Medicine Hat (Alberta)
    • Vimy Armoury - Lethbridge (Alberta)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Oil and Gas
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Department of National Defence
  • Authorities

    • Department of National Defence
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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